Monday, February 23, 2009

Slasher Movies

So I leave in 3 days.
I don't really know what to expect.
...ok actually I do.

Here's my scenario.

I get on the train here in Charleston at 9:40pm.
Leaves at 9:48

Around 11 pm I realize I forgot something.

Well too late now.

I arrive in D.C. at 9:30 AM on the 27th.
I have to get my baggage, then re-check it in to Sandusky.

The lady said the Sandusky station is unmanned so...wait WHAT?
How the fuck do I go about doing that?

I'm going to be running around trying to find out how to check in baggage to an unclaimed station.

Oh , but now worries, I only have a 5 hour layover.
My train to Sandusky leaves at 5pm.
Getting me to Sandusky, Ohio at 3:45 AM.

So I get off the train.
It's freezing balls outside.
I get my two suitcases.
I get my two guitars.
And stand there, while the train drives off.

"Now what"

Well let me tell you what.
I've done my research.
I've looked up every cemetery/graveyard within ina 2 miles radius of that train station, and my destination is Sandhill Cemetery.

In one suitcase I packed clothes that are good enough to blaze through Antarctican (?) snow storms.
Only not really, because being from the south, I own no such gear.

So I'll be wearing two pairs of pants, 3 pairs of socks, combat boots, gloves, 2 shirts, a leather jacket, and a hat.
My face, shall be numb.

In the other suitcase I will have a tent (rolled up, I'm not that dumb) A pillow, and a sleeping bag.

Oh....and a small lock.
BIG lock.

Now I'm well aware some slasher, Jason, serial killer could just easily tear through the ridiculously thin polyester material of my tent with a knife and kill me, locking the zippers together just adds a small security.

and safety hazard...

What if 'Jason' DOES come to kill me and slay my entrails everywhere by ripping through the tent.
Well, I cant exactly get out of the tent door....flap..thing... because its LOCKED.
And EVERYONE knows in horror movies, you can never find what your looking for, i.e. the key.

So I'll go on to die as some nomadic teenager, with my intestines hanging from a tree branch like and early morning breakfast invitation for vultures.

(p.s. if you DO decide to kill me, can you atleast tuck my Drivers License into whatever....or..just... just leave it on me so people can identify me. k, thanks.)

I've had a few friends say they'd spend the night with me out there one night.
Like a camping trip.

(I love how the wind is literally HOWLING horror movie style outside my window right now, it has never done that before * cue twilight zone music*)

But I've got everything situated, and I think I'm overthinking everything.
Things will go well, I've just got to keep a positive mindset.

Wilderness/Graveyard=no electrical outlets....which means when my phone dies, it dies. when my laptop dies, it dies DEAD.

My laptop holds charge.

Luckily there's a library not too far from the station I'm considering sleeping in front of until it opens.

Long entry, so sorry.


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